
front_shop_single Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /boutique/la-malle-de-lux
# Route name Path Log
1 back_content_list /admin/contenu Path does not match
2 back_content_single /admin/contenu/{slug} Path does not match
3 back_content_edit /admin/contenu/edit/{id} Path does not match
4 back_slider_add /admin/slider/add Path does not match
5 back_slider_edit /admin/slider/edit/{id} Path does not match
6 back_slider_list /admin/slider/list Path does not match
7 back_slider_remove_img /admin/slider/remove/{id}/{image} Path does not match
8 back_dashboard /admin/dashboard Path does not match
9 back_darkmode /admin/component/darkmode Path does not match
10 back_pages /admin/pages Path does not match
11 back_pages_edit /admin/pages/edition/{id} Path does not match
12 back_post_list /admin/actualites/liste Path does not match
13 back_post_add /admin/actualites/ajouter Path does not match
14 back_post_delete /admin/actualites/supprimer/{id} Path does not match
15 back_post_edit /admin/actualites/edit/{id} Path does not match
16 back_reference_list /admin/references/list Path does not match
17 back_reference_add /admin/references/add Path does not match
18 back_reference_edit /admin/references/edit/{id} Path does not match
19 back_reference_remove /admin/references/remove/{id} Path does not match
20 back_shop_list /admin/boutique/liste Path does not match
21 back_shop_add /admin/boutique/ajout Path does not match
22 back_shop_edit /admin/boutique/editer/{id} Path does not match
23 back_shop_remove /admin/boutique/supprimer/{id} Path does not match
24 back_user_add /admin/add-admin Path does not match
25 back_user_list /admin/list-admin Path does not match
26 back_user_delete /admin/delete-admin/{id} Path does not match
27 front_contact /contact Path does not match
28 front_submit_form_contact /submit-form/contact Path does not match
29 front_home / Path does not match
30 front_page_page /page/{slug} Path does not match
31 front_parking /parking Path does not match
32 front_post_list /news/liste Path does not match
33 front_post_single /news/{slug} Path does not match
34 front_shop_single /boutique/{slug} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.